The Rise of BNPL and Tech-Driven Dining: A Glimpse into Consumer Trends

Idei Biznesa
4 min read · Nov 28 2023
The landscape of consumer behavior is constantly evolving with technological advancements and economic shifts. In recent years, we've seen a significant rise in Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services among younger demographics in Australia and a parallel increase in tech-driven solutions within the restaurant industry. Meanwhile, the global gaming market is experiencing exponential growth. Let's delve into these trends that are reshaping how consumers interact with markets and what it means for businesses.

The Surge of BNPL Among Younger Consumers

In an era where financial flexibility has become paramount for shoppers worldwide, Australia's younger generation is increasingly turning towards Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) options. According to a study released by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), over 40% of Australian shoppers aged between 18 and 39 have adopted this installment payment method. This reflects not only a sharp rise in BNPL use overall but also mirrors similar trends observed in America where half of consumers aged between 25 to 44 have utilized BNPL at least once.

Despite its growing popularity, BNPL transactions still represent a small fraction—0.7%—of total payments made in 2022. However small this percentage may seem, it signifies an important shift in consumer spending habits; particularly as PYMNTS Intelligence research indicates that nearly one-third of millennials and Gen Z would abandon their purchase if a BNPL option wasn't available at checkout.

This trend isn't merely about convenience or luxury spending; for many young consumers struggling with credit card debt amidst high interest rates, BNPL serves as an essential financial management tool—a way to afford necessities like groceries or bridge gaps until their next paycheck arrives.

Digital Transformation Challenges Faced by Restaurants

As we turn our attention from retail to dining out experiences—the restaurant industry stands at a crossroads shaped by digitalization. Francis Dougherty recently appointed CEO of Curbit after nearly two decades at Microsoft shared his insights on how restaurants are grappling with technology integration challenges similar to those faced by large enterprises during early digital transformations.

Restaurants had rapidly invested in various technologies during COVID-19 to survive but now face difficulties ensuring these systems work harmoniously together. With multiple ordering channels such as direct platforms and third-party delivery services like DoorDash or Uber Eats complicating operations further—it becomes clear why AI-driven solutions are becoming indispensable for maintaining brand consistency across all customer touchpoints.

Curbit specializes in dynamic order throttling tools using artificial intelligence which helps manage disparate systems effectively while improving operational efficiency—an approach validated through improved performance metrics such as pickup times and customer reviews witnessed at Smashburger locations utilizing their technology.

The Global Gaming Market's Exponential Growth

The gaming industry is not just about entertainment anymore; it's a rapidly expanding economic sector with projections that are hard to ignore. According to Vantage Market Research, the global gaming market is estimated to reach an astounding USD 682 billion by 2030, growing at an exponential rate of 13.6% over the next seven years. This growth is fueled by several factors including the changing demographics of gamers, continuous technological advancements within the sector, and an increasing demand for high-speed internet.

Developers from emerging economies are contributing significantly to this expansion by enhancing gameplay experiences through innovative coding for platforms like PlayStation, Windows PC, and Xbox. These improvements are often delivered via cloud platforms, making games more accessible than ever before. As technology evolves, so does the game creation process—resulting in a richer user experience that keeps players engaged and coming back for more.

The Impact of Technology on Consumer Behavior

The shifts we're witnessing in consumer behavior across various sectors—from retail payments with BNPL services to restaurant ordering systems—are indicative of a broader trend towards digitalization. Consumers now expect seamless integration of technology in all aspects of their lives. In Australia, young shoppers are looking for financial flexibility through BNPL options while dining enthusiasts seek convenience through digital ordering systems.

In both cases, technology serves as a bridge between consumer expectations and business offerings. Whether it's managing finances or ordering food online, consumers are increasingly drawn towards solutions that provide ease and efficiency. Businesses that recognize these needs and adapt accordingly will not only survive but thrive in this new digital era.

As we look ahead into 2024 and beyond, companies like Curbit aim to scale their AI-driven technologies further—extending benefits not just within their immediate industry but also offering insights valuable to consulting firms focused on revenue optimization strategies.


The rise of BNPL among younger Australian consumers, the challenges faced by restaurants integrating disparate technologies post-pandemic survival mode investments, and the booming global gaming market represent significant transformations in consumer trends driven by technological advancements. These shifts underscore a fundamental change: consumers now wield greater control over how they engage with markets thanks to digital tools at their disposal.

For businesses across sectors—from finance to food service—the message is clear: adaptability isn't just advantageous; it's essential for staying relevant in a world where consumer preferences evolve swiftly alongside technological progressions. As we continue navigating these changes together as a society—one thing remains certain—the future looks increasingly digital.